Our Team
Founder and App Developer
Darkmane is in charge of the website and the development of apps and ensuring they meet the app store standard
Astra / Michael
Founder and Game Developer
Astra is in charge of game development work within the company, and has the majority share in the company. His role is the development of games created by the company
Lead writer
Suggerion, or as Dark calls them "Mutt" - is the lead writer on the team. He's the Head of the writing department, and all writing will mostly be under his control.
Professor Boomboom Kawaii Pants
This is what happens when we let the staff pick their own names
Writer / creative team
Professor Boomboom is one of our writers on the team. They joined after the company founded and are a very creative, and very funny being. As you can probably tell from the stage name they chose to go by!
Head of Creatives and Market Research
Erica is in charge of any creative work needed at the studio. Such as 2D art, 3D art and concept artwork. They also help manage the market research side of things, meaning that you may see their work when filling out a beta feedback form.
Our stance on AI The only time, we as a company, use AI, is to debug code. We never use AI for generative purposes. This harms creatives, and we believe that our creatives should be celebrated, not harmed.
Oh, you'd better believe it! Lunar Lynx prides itself on diversity. We aim to never discriminate against anyone's protected characteristics, and to give everyone a fair chance at employment.